The Promise

When our children were young they would sometimes ask Cecelia or me to “promise” to do something or get something for them that they wanted. We were always very careful to say something like, “We will think about that but we can’t promise we will do it.” Sometimes our reasoning about the request had to do with what such a promise would cost us. Another factor in our unwillingness to make a quick promise to their request was the fact that life circumstances might make granting their wish impossible. We […]

Dealing With Disappointment

For the past several days I have been dealing with a major disappointment related to the book I’ve been working on for almost three years. About a year ago I made contact with an agent I had a good feeling about and we hit it off really well. He liked my idea and was very helpful and encouraging in the early days of the work. We were excited and shared hope and an expectation about getting the book published. Everything was going well, and then life happened. This man became […]