Family Resource Services

Designed with you in mind; providing spiritual guidance to help you build: 

  • A Life filled with purpose and meaning,
  • A Marriage that is strong and resilient,
  • A Parenting Style that helps your child develop excellent character.

Welcome to Family Resource Services

Thanks for visiting Family Resource Services at How can I help you?

Are you looking for some answers to questions about your marriage? Are you a parent needing guidance about discipline and other parenting issues? Do you want encouragement and solid biblical teaching that can take you to a deeper level in your walk with Christ?

If any of this is true, I want to help you. My blogs and books are designed to deal with these kinds of concerns and needs. You will discover lots of help for Christian living, marriage, and parenting in the blogs and books I make available to you. 

Question People Ask. Here are some questions other folks are asking, Maybe you have different questions. If you don’t find what you need in my blogs or books, leave me a note on my contact page and I will try to help you find resources to address your need. 

My Blogs. To thank you for signing up for my weekly blog, I will give you two free books, Wonderings and Marriage Is What You Make It. Click, get the coupon and go to check out, and follow the instructions to download your copies. This is a $20.00 value for just signing up. 

Your email address will be used only to contact you when a weekly blog is available or to let you know of other information that may be helpful to you. No high pressure or flooding you with emails.

Once you sign up, you will get a reminder on Thursday to check out my latest weekly blog. The readings are short, only requiring a couple of minutes to find encouragement and direction about your walk with the Lord, parenting, marriage, and other important topics. I have a subject index where you can “click” and look at all the blogs I have available for you to read.

My Books. You will find my books here or by scrolling down to the next section. Some books are available as e-books, as well as paperback. My latest book, Heaven’s Currency…Investing In The Things That Matter Most is available here on my website at a reduced cost or from Amazon. I believe this is a book for our time, potentially a game-changer for those looking for ways to live proactively in a very difficult time in our world. Check out what’s being said about this book!

Let Me Help You. If you have trouble finding what you need, leave me a detailed note on my contact page and I’ll see what I can do to help you.

Check out my Blogs

  • What Is There To Love About God (Part Thirteen)
    The following may seem a strange way to begin a post about “What Is There To Love About God?” Indulge me for a couple of minutes and it will be clear where I’m going with this.  There’s a lot in the news nowadays about trust, or the lack of it when it comes to our government leaders. Folks all over America doubt the motives and capability of many of those we have elected to serve us. We have a real ”crisis of confidence” in our country and there doesn’t seem […]
  • What Is There To Love About God? (Part twelve)
    Where do you turn to find hope and help to keep you going in troublesome times? One of my most frequented retreats is the book of Psalms; I’ve been spending considerable time there lately. Personal health issues, concern for the direction of our country, and the everyday challenges each of us faces keep me coming back for another look at God from the Psalmist’s point of view. As you know, I’ve been exploring “What is there to love about God?” for several weeks. This is the (twelfth) edition and I’m […]
  • Happy Birthday America?
    Today is the two hundred-forty-eighth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the document that declared the colonies’ independence from the mother country. At great risk and personal sacrifice, the colonists fought for almost eight years to become free from the oppression of the British monarchy. The founding fathers who declared independence from England in 1776 realized their lives and possessions were at great risk. At the close of that eight-year war, many widows were left to raise their fatherless children. Truly, our country was founded on the […]

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact me about speaking at your church, retreats, and other occasions about my book, Heaven’s Currency, parenting, marriage, or other family matters. I will be happy to discuss possible dates and other details. Begin the process by clicking    Contact Me  .

Thanks for visiting. Come back soon. And, if you like what you see, tell a friend.

Cos Davis