Truth (Part Four)

Do you realize you live in “two” worlds? When you trusted Jesus as your savior you became a citizen of another realm of existence. From that moment you became a dual citizen, continuing to live in this world system but with a higher allegiance to Jesus as your Lord. You may have noticed soon after you became a follower of Jesus that the two worlds are in constant conflict, both vying for your worship and investment. As a follower of Jesus, you live in two worlds that are in conflict. […]

Truth (Part Two)

Before you begin reading today’s message, I thought you might want to listen to  Whitney Houston’s rendition of a song most of us learned as a child and have loved for years. It’s always good to be reminded that Jesus loves us.  God loves you and has a plan for your life. This is the most important fact of your life! Think about the impact that believing that truth can have on your life. Do you believe there is a God who is the Creator and ultimate authority of this […]

Truth (Part One)

Truth. What is truth? Why is truth important? What role does it play in the health and stability of our relationships and the functioning of government and other entities on which we depend? Today’s post is a reminder of why truth is important and an introduction to some life-changing truths that will follow in the weeks ahead. Why this series, this subject, why now? Because truth is vital to living well and to healthy relationships. And, there is evidence there is a concerted effort to replace foundational truths with lies.   […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Fifteen)

What is there to love about God? The Psalms offer many reasons to offer our love and devotion to Him. Today’s answer to this question comes from Psalm 62: 1-7. As you will discover, God offers us something vital to our survival, a spiritual mindset that can face life’s most daunting challenges. What does God provide when we are in a hard place, lost, directionless, lonely, without the strength to carry on? When life seems meaningless, when what we have spent our strength to achieve does not satisfy, what does […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Fourteen)

We continue to answer the question “What is there to love about God?” by looking at some astounding statements in Psalm 2. Psalm 1 is an introduction to the Book of Psalms and a wonderful reassurance that “right” will prevail over evil. We who delight in God’s word and way are blessed while the wicked will be on the losing side of life. Psalm 2 quickly brings us into the battle that has been going on between Satan and God for eons. Satan has attempted to overthrow God’s rule throughout […]

What Is There To Love About God (Part Thirteen)

The following may seem a strange way to begin a post about “What Is There To Love About God?” Indulge me for a couple of minutes and it will be clear where I’m going with this.  There’s a lot in the news nowadays about trust, or the lack of it when it comes to our government leaders. Folks all over America doubt the motives and capability of many of those we have elected to serve us. We have a real ”crisis of confidence” in our country and there doesn’t seem […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part twelve)

Where do you turn to find hope and help to keep you going in troublesome times? One of my most frequented retreats is the book of Psalms; I’ve been spending considerable time there lately. Personal health issues, concern for the direction of our country, and the everyday challenges each of us faces keep me coming back for another look at God from the Psalmist’s point of view. As you know, I’ve been exploring “What is there to love about God?” for several weeks. This is the (twelfth) edition and I’m […]

Happy Birthday America?

Today is the two hundred-forty-eighth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the document that declared the colonies’ independence from the mother country. At great risk and personal sacrifice, the colonists fought for almost eight years to become free from the oppression of the British monarchy. The founding fathers who declared independence from England in 1776 realized their lives and possessions were at great risk. At the close of that eight-year war, many widows were left to raise their fatherless children. Truly, our country was founded on the […]

What Is There To Love About God? (Part Ten)

You may recall that last week’s blog was focused on how God wants to bless our nation. It is my opinion because of the many evil and downright stupid things happening in our country that we are quickly losing God’s favor and blessing. After many years of disrespecting God and His laws, we are reaping the bitter fruit of the corrupt seeds we and our leaders have sown. While we may not have participated in the choices or actions that have led to the mess we are in, we, our […]