Two Worlds In Conflict

You live in two worlds that are in conflict. This is the third of the 5 Life-Changing Truths we are considering in this series of blogs. Take a moment and think about this idea,” I live in a two-world marketplace in which I invest every day.” To make this a bit more real, say this aloud to yourself and consider what it implies. Let this sink in, to permeate your thoughts and feelings. Please allow the words that follow to help you explore this potentially life-altering truth. Every day you […]

Trust, A Delicate Flower

Webster defines trust as “assured reliance on the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.” Let that sink in a minute. Where do your thoughts take you? Do you have an unreliable vehicle or appliance? One of our greatest needs as human beings is to feel safe with others, to believe another person can be trusted to always want and seek what is best for us. This kind of faith is the glue that makes your marriage and friendships work. Trust in you as their parent is what helps […]

Free ebook copy of Heaven’s Currency

  Heaven’s Currency e-book free. Here’s your opportunity to check out my book without any risk or cost to you. I am offering a free e-book to anyone who wants it for three days only, July 12,13, and 14. Get it for yourself or encourage a family member or friend to get it. Here’s all you need to do: Click this link and enter Heaven’s Currency in the search bar. How easy is that. It will only take you a couple of minutes. I’ve had wonderful reviews on the book […]

What Matters Most

What Matters Most What matters most to you? What matters most to you does matter. It matters because your choices about priorities affect you and those you love. It matters because your priorities determine the way you invest your time, money, and energies. It matters because the way you invest your time, money, and energies will determine your character, the person you will become. It matters because your character is the most important thing you have going for you. How do you know what matters most to you? As mentioned […]

Things That Matter Most

Things That Matter Most. Some things matter most to you. What is it that matters most?  When was the last time you did an inventory about your priorities? Why is your answer important? It’s important because it will tell you how you are investing your time, money, and energies. Every day you invest twenty-four hours of time you will never get back. Life is short and uncertain, you need to be sure you are getting the best value and return on your investment. In addition to time,  you invest money […]

Longing for the “Good Ole Days”

While considering what to share with you today I ran across a piece of commentary by Paul Harvey (1919-2009). Harvey was the guest speaker at my graduation from Belmont in 1966 but is better- known for his radio broadcasts for over a half-century. He specialized in telling “The Rest of The Story.” He took the basics of a news event or story and  went behind the scene to explain the extraordinary details of human sacrifice and compassion which were not part of the news; thus, “The Rest of the Story.” […]