Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?

Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?  I want to believe most parents “love” their children. However, I’m convinced by experience that some parents do not have a healthy love for their child. What I mean by this statement will become more obvious as you read further. Loving your child in a healthy way is not such an easy thing to do. It is not that your child doesn’t need or deserve such love but healthy love requires a high degree of personal discipline and maturity. Good parenting can’t be done by […]

Looking Ahead-A Parenting Series

Looking ahead. We have come to the exciting finish of  ” Five Life-Changing Truths.” I hope you have found these biblical messages to be encouraging and challenging in your walk with the Lord.  My purpose for this message is to tell you what’s next, to look ahead at what I’ll be sending your way over the next several weeks. Beginning the second week in October, I will be doing a series of 6 blogs on parenting called “Biblical Foundations for Successful Parenting.” There is so much at risk for our […]

Longing for the “Good Ole Days”

While considering what to share with you today I ran across a piece of commentary by Paul Harvey (1919-2009). Harvey was the guest speaker at my graduation from Belmont in 1966 but is better- known for his radio broadcasts for over a half-century. He specialized in telling “The Rest of The Story.” He took the basics of a news event or story and  went behind the scene to explain the extraordinary details of human sacrifice and compassion which were not part of the news; thus, “The Rest of the Story.” […]

How Emotionally Mature Are You?

How emotionally mature are you? What if someone treated you the way you treat others? Would you feel happy, angry, disappointed, important or encouraged? Have you had someone hurt you by their careless remark or act?  Have you considered that your words and actions have a powerful effect on others? This is especially true with your child. To a large degree your child’s sense of himself comes from his interpretation of your words and actions toward him. No one can be perfect, we all make mistakes. However, being mindful of […]

A “Knowing” Kind of Love

How can you really love someone without “knowing” them? If the ultimate goal of love is to do what is in their best interest, how can you love someone well without”knowing” them? You can have an attitude of acceptance and tolerance or an emotional connection with people which could be interpreted as love. However, loving someone as intimately as you should love your child is a different kind of love. “Knowing” your child is vitally important to loving him well. How well do you know your child? While your child has similarities […]