Looking Ahead-A Parenting Series

Looking ahead. We have come to the exciting finish of  ” Five Life-Changing Truths.” I hope you have found these biblical messages to be encouraging and challenging in your walk with the Lord. 

Looking Ahead

My purpose for this message is to tell you what’s next, to look ahead at what I’ll be sending your way over the next several weeks. Beginning the second week in October, I will be doing a series of 6 blogs on parenting called “Biblical Foundations for Successful Parenting.” There is so much at risk for our children today and parents, perhaps more than at anytime in my memory, need to give close attention to their responsibility as Christian parents.

I realize that some of you may not be in the parenting phase of life now. But, you have grandchildren, or know neighbors or others who are facing the challenging tasks relating to parenting in these days. Think about telling them about this series on parenting. 

Here are some of the highlights s and ideas I will be discussing: 

  1. In a world where “success” is such a big deal and is defined in so many ways, what does it mean to be a “successful parent?” 
  2. If you want to be a successful parent, where do you begin?  Do you read books by experts, learn lots of parenting techniques? Or, could it be something closer to you than you think?
  3. How does your attitude about the worth of your child influence your parenting?
  4. You think you “love” your child? Do you know what real “parent love” is? How does healthy love act?
  5. What role do talking and listening play in successful parenting? Want to learn how to communicate with your child?
  6. One of your jobs as a successful parent is to “work yourself out of a job.” Do you know how what’s involved in helping your child become independent? Do you know how to do that?

If you are currently in the process of parenting and/or know others who are, please make the time to read these important messages and forward this message on to others. Thanks and God bless you and your family.

Cos Davis, Family Resource Services  

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