How Is Your Vision ?

Our subject today is vision. Your eyes are a marvelous testimony of the ingenuity of our Creator. If you haven’t done so, take some time to investigate some of the marvels of one of the most intricate and wonderful parts of your body, your eyes. For many years I had perfect (20/20) vision. But as I continued to age, I needed glasses with a corrective lens to enable me to read and see things up close more easily. Another change came and I now wear glasses to correct my vision […]

What Are You Thinking?

    Thinking; the ability to consider, ponder, plan, and solve problems is a God-given endowment that is so important to each of us. While some ” lesser” animals can problem-solve, none compares to the high levels of thinking humans are capable of. Neuroscientist have discovered that we humans have more highly developed frontal lobes in our brain than any other species. Do you remember the Genesis story of how God created everything? The heavenly bodies, the earth, water, fish, and animals all preceded his crowing act. And, He created […]