Where Are You?

Where are you? This is the first important life-question you must think deeply about and understand if you are to make the changes necessary to get you to a better place in life. In order to plan a new course, to change direction, you must deal with the reality of the here and now. Thus, the first question. Where are you?  Let me explain what I mean by this question. So far as I know, the first recorded instance of this question was God’s question to Adam in the Garden […]

Healthy Love Takes The”Long Look”

 Are you taking the ” long look” in how your rear your child? Healthy love takes the “long look”. Healthy love does  not settle for what is convenient or what does not lead to the best for your child in the long run. Healthy love must sometimes be tough. It tolerates you child’s discomfort and anger. It is smart, knowledgeable. To be able to choose what is in the best interest of our child implies some knowledge of what life is about.. It means we choose to teach our child […]