My Choices, My Character and My Destiny

“My choices determine my character, which in turn determines my destiny.” Think about this statement, what does it mean?   Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go in life? Your choices will form your character. Who you become will determine your ultimate destiny. Sometimes we are confronted with competing choices. What will we do? Where will our choice take us?  Choices are important. Of course, some choices are more important than others. The choices to marry, and who to marry, are infinitely more life-changing than what […]

God’s Way or My Way?

Life’s most consequential decision is about the way we will live, and the path we will travel during our brief time on earth. The Bible often refers to this as the choice of a “way.” Early Christians talked of following Jesus as the “Way”. Jesus actually used the term to describe himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” “The life I now live.” Perhaps you recognize these words as part of the Apostle Paul’s explanation of how he had come to live after he surrendered his life […]