Truth (Part Three)

Your life is a time-sensitive trust from God. Think about this great biblical truth and what it means to the way you invest your time, energy, and money. The idea that your life is a time-sensitive trust is a foundational concept in  Christianity. Biblical concepts like stewardship, responsibility, judgment, rewards, discipleship, and Christ’s lordship are based on the truth that God has entrusted us with our lives. A trust is a property or interest held by one person for the profit or benefit of another. The owner of the property […]

Truth (Part One)

Truth. What is truth? Why is truth important? What role does it play in the health and stability of our relationships and the functioning of government and other entities on which we depend? Today’s post is a reminder of why truth is important and an introduction to some life-changing truths that will follow in the weeks ahead. Why this series, this subject, why now? Because truth is vital to living well and to healthy relationships. And, there is evidence there is a concerted effort to replace foundational truths with lies.   […]

The Promise

When our children were young they would sometimes ask Cecelia or me to “promise” to do something or get something for them that they wanted. We were always very careful to say something like, “We will think about that but we can’t promise we will do it.” Sometimes our reasoning about the request had to do with what such a promise would cost us. Another factor in our unwillingness to make a quick promise to their request was the fact that life circumstances might make granting their wish impossible. We […]

Truth Is

Truth Is…..essential for building trust. This is the case whether you are dealing with people or with a Cuckoo clock. Speaking of Cuckoo clocks, let me tell you about mine. Please indulge me in the event you’ve heard this story before. While visiting Europe in 2011 Cecelia and I decided to buy a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest area. We were enjoying the beautiful scenery along the Rhine river when we came upon this charming German village. After looking at many styles and price ranges of clocks, we decided on […]

Who Are You Trying to Please?

I believe we are in a cultural war that will determine the future of our country. Forces of hell are working to change the very nature of our society in several different ways. Evil is behind this effort in high places in government, schools, powerful corporations, and many media outlets to replace the Christian principles that undergird our constitution and way of life. They are inciting hate and division which can ultimately destroy us. Those who participate in these activities have a plan based on lies and use intimidation, and […]