Where Are You Going?

Where are you going? What is your destination if you stay on the road you are now traveling on?  Are you going to look back on life and regret bad decisions that set you on a destructive course? Will you wish you had taken a chance or a risk instead of being frozen by fear? Have you, day after day, continued on the broad road of least effort or resistance, giving little thought to where the road would end? Does this sound familiar? Is this what Jesus had in mind […]

Good Decisions in 3 Steps

There are 3 basic steps involved in making good decisions. Wise people learn  to make a habit of making choices that are good for them and others. What better habit could you develop than the habit of making one good decision after another? Most of us will confess that one way we have learned how to make better decisions is through the pain and frustration of bad ones. If we were smart we did some serious thinking, talked to wiser people, and did some research so as not to make […]