Follow the Money

“Follow the money” is a phrase often used related to the investigation of political corruption. We are starting to hear this idea tossed about in relation to our current president and his son. It was prominent in a 1976 movie, All the President’s Men, focusing on the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon.,examining%20money%20transfers%20between%20parties. I believe “following the money” will reveal a great deal about each of us. If you “follow the money” in your life, what will that say about you?  Money is important. It is one of […]

Good Decisions in 3 Steps

There are 3 basic steps involved in making good decisions. Wise people learn  to make a habit of making choices that are good for them and others. What better habit could you develop than the habit of making one good decision after another? Most of us will confess that one way we have learned how to make better decisions is through the pain and frustration of bad ones. If we were smart we did some serious thinking, talked to wiser people, and did some research so as not to make […]

Are You A Savvy Investor? 3 Questions

” The Savvy Investor” is the subject of my blog today. Investing is important to all of us. I had to  brace myself before opening my IRA retirement account recently. I reassured myself and my wife that the double-digit percentage loss is “only on paper” and we don’t need that money right now. Perhaps you are also concerned about some of your financial investments; an empty building you need to rent out, taxes and insurance you are paying on a vehicle or a “toy” that isn’t providing a good ROI.  […]

Want More of Heaven’s Currency ?

Heaven’s currency is something that should be of interest to all of us. This is especially true in light of what’s happening to the dollar, the currency of our country. Inflation is a big concern for most of us these days. We are noticing that our dollars are shrinking, buying mush less than they were a year ago. My car’s gas tank is about half full (or half empty if you tend to see things negatively) and I’m dreading to face the price indicator as I pump the gas again. […]

What Matters Most

What Matters Most What matters most to you? What matters most to you does matter. It matters because your choices about priorities affect you and those you love. It matters because your priorities determine the way you invest your time, money, and energies. It matters because the way you invest your time, money, and energies will determine your character, the person you will become. It matters because your character is the most important thing you have going for you. How do you know what matters most to you? As mentioned […]

Things That Matter Most

Things That Matter Most. Some things matter most to you. What is it that matters most?  When was the last time you did an inventory about your priorities? Why is your answer important? It’s important because it will tell you how you are investing your time, money, and energies. Every day you invest twenty-four hours of time you will never get back. Life is short and uncertain, you need to be sure you are getting the best value and return on your investment. In addition to time,  you invest money […]

Investing In The Things That Matter Most

  Investing in the Things That Matter Most is the subtitle of my book that is now available here on my website or at You and I are investors. That’s true. And I will show you how we are investors, if you will continue to read for the next couple of minutes. Investing is a biblical idea. What do you generally think about when you see or hear the word investing? If you are like most people, you probably think about the stock market, houses, land, automobiles, rare coins, jewelry, […]

What is the Test of Love?

What is the test of love? Love is a much overused word. I hear people use “love” to talk about food, cars, a TV show, the weather, a singer or actor, “making love,” or a special vacation spot. I think we have diluted the word love to the point that we don’t give much thought to its true meaning. We often use the word to express a good feeling about and our like for or admiration for something or someone. Many confuse infatuation with the idea of love. So, what […]

Life Lessons: Learning to Listen (2)

Learning to listen is important in building important relationships. Now, let’s continue with our life lesson on a skill that is so important to our relationships, LISTENING. Surely you have experienced the difference between being listened to and being heard. It is highly probable that you have been on both sides of such situations. Recall a time when you believed the other person attempted to listen to you. How did you feel? How did you think this experience helped you? Now, can you recall a situation when you were trying […]

Life Lesson: Learn to Listen to Others

It’s getting close to “crunch time” in my life! The editorial process for my book is about over and the marketing push will be revving up pretty soon. The release date for Heaven’s Currency: Investing in the Things That Matter Most will be late February or early March 2022. Next week I will be able to give you a peek at the beautiful cover for the book. In the meanwhile, please be thinking about friends and family members who could benefit from the paperback or ebook. The central issue of life […]