Two Worlds In Conflict

You live in two worlds that are in conflict. This is the third of the 5 Life-Changing Truths we are considering in this series of blogs. Take a moment and think about this idea,” I live in a two-world marketplace in which I invest every day.” To make this a bit more real, say this aloud to yourself and consider what it implies. Let this sink in, to permeate your thoughts and feelings. Please allow the words that follow to help you explore this potentially life-altering truth. Every day you […]

Your Life is a Time-Sensitive Trust from God

Your life is a time-sensitive trust from God. Think about this great biblical truth and what it can/should mean to the way you invest your time, energy, and money. Before I explore this potentially life-altering truth with you, I want to review a couple of things that will help you understand where I’m attempting to go with this. In my book, I have a chapter I call “Five Truths That Can Change Your Life.” In the event you have not read the introductory blog to this series and Truth […]

God Loves You and Has a Plan for Your Life

God loves you has a plan for your life. This is life-changing truth # 1! Why is it # 1, the most important fact of your life? Think about the impact that believing that truth can have on your life. If you believe there is a God who is the Creator and ultimate authority of this world, then it matters what you believe He thinks about you. This can make all the difference in your life!  We were created by God to live in relationships with Him and others. For […]

Love, What Our World Needs Now

Love, What Our World Needs Now.  It may seem presumptuous of me to use a title such as this in my blog. Do I know what the world really needs now? I think I do know what the world, what you and I need now. There are some things most of us want and many of us need. That list includes lower gas prices, a closed southern border, a good immigration policy, an impartial judicial system, lower food, and heating bills, etc. Perhaps there are some personal things, some broken […]

Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?

Parenting Love, Is Yours Healthy?  I want to believe most parents “love” their children. However, I’m convinced by experience that some parents do not have a healthy love for their child. What I mean by this statement will become more obvious as you read further. Loving your child in a healthy way is not such an easy thing to do. It is not that your child doesn’t need or deserve such love but healthy love requires a high degree of personal discipline and maturity. Good parenting can’t be done by […]

Free ebook copy of Heaven’s Currency

  Heaven’s Currency e-book free. Here’s your opportunity to check out my book without any risk or cost to you. I am offering a free e-book to anyone who wants it for three days only, July 12,13, and 14. Get it for yourself or encourage a family member or friend to get it. Here’s all you need to do: Click this link and enter Heaven’s Currency in the search bar. How easy is that. It will only take you a couple of minutes. I’ve had wonderful reviews on the book […]

Want More of Heaven’s Currency ?

Heaven’s currency is something that should be of interest to all of us. This is especially true in light of what’s happening to the dollar, the currency of our country. Inflation is a big concern for most of us these days. We are noticing that our dollars are shrinking, buying mush less than they were a year ago. My car’s gas tank is about half full (or half empty if you tend to see things negatively) and I’m dreading to face the price indicator as I pump the gas again. […]

Love Gives

Love gives.  Christmas is about giving. The Christmas message is about the generous love of God. In a conversation with his nighttime visitor, Jesus speaks of his own birth in a lowly, smelly Bethlehem manger, “For God loved the world so much he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).” In this Advent season, I want to remind each of us to think deeply about how love gives. As we consider the kind of love God gives, it is […]

What is the Test of Love?

What is the test of love? Love is a much overused word. I hear people use “love” to talk about food, cars, a TV show, the weather, a singer or actor, “making love,” or a special vacation spot. I think we have diluted the word love to the point that we don’t give much thought to its true meaning. We often use the word to express a good feeling about and our like for or admiration for something or someone. Many confuse infatuation with the idea of love. So, what […]

Life Lessons: Learning to Listen (2)

Learning to listen is important in building important relationships. Now, let’s continue with our life lesson on a skill that is so important to our relationships, LISTENING. Surely you have experienced the difference between being listened to and being heard. It is highly probable that you have been on both sides of such situations. Recall a time when you believed the other person attempted to listen to you. How did you feel? How did you think this experience helped you? Now, can you recall a situation when you were trying […]