Your Character and Your Child

Your character is the most powerful tool you have to influence others. With it, you can do great good or harm to those within your circle of influence. Let that sink in for a moment. If you don’t believe what I’m saying just think about how you are affected daily by those who have influence in your life. Who are those people whose character affects your life; your spouse, your children, your minister, your doctors, and, of course, politicians at local, state, and national levels. Got your attention now?  Our […]

God’s Way or My Way?

Life’s most consequential decision is about the way we will live, and the path we will travel during our brief time on earth. The Bible often refers to this as the choice of a “way.” Early Christians talked of following Jesus as the “Way”. Jesus actually used the term to describe himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” “The life I now live.” Perhaps you recognize these words as part of the Apostle Paul’s explanation of how he had come to live after he surrendered his life […]

Are You Wiser Than God?

How many times have you regretted an important decision you have made? I suspect if you think about it, you will recall something you said, a poorly thought-out choice, how you handled an argument, a business transaction, or something you should have said or done but let the opportunity pass. While we can receive forgiveness for these mistakes, errors in judgments, and sins, we cannot undo what has been done. As I am writing this message to you, I can easily recall several instances in which I wish I had […]


IF…..Then Today’s message is based on Proverbs 2:1-22, a good follow-up from my last post on “Pursuing Wisdom.” The title for this blog becomes obvious if you read the first five verses of this chapter. You will find some important “ifs” and “thens” there. Ifs and thens are a part of life, aren’t they? Life presents us with choices. Our choices are followed by results, sometimes good and sometimes not so good. Loving parents try to teach their children how to make good choices. Part of that process is to […]

Pursuing Wisdom

What are you pursuing in life? Most of us have a pretty good idea of what it means to pursue something or someone, right? But, if we are a bit  “fuzzy” about the concept, let’s turn to the old reliable Webster’s dictionary to clarify it for us. Here is the gist of three ways of defining pursue,  (1) “To follow in order to overtake, capture…(2) “to proceed along or follow, as a specified course of action, plan…(3) “to try find, strive for, seek.” Look carefully at these definitions, what stands […]

Wisdom, Where Does It Begin?

Wisdom. When does a person begin to become wise? Can a young person become wise or is wisdom reserved only for the elderly? I believe young people can get on the path to being very wise while some older folks get more and more foolish as they grow older. In other words, ” some people live and learn while others just live.” Do you want to be wise? If you do, you must discover the Source of all wisdom. So, let’s talk about where wisdom begins. Where does wisdom begin? […]

Wisdom, The One Thing We Need Most

What is the one thing you need most in life? How do you answer this question? If God would give you anything you wanted, what would you ask for? Wealth, fame, health, friendship, success, a new car, a great-paying job, a long life, a loving marriage, or a beautiful house? About one thousand years before Christ, Solomon, son of David, became the third king of  Israel. His reign of forty years marked the zenith of Israel’s glory. He built the first temple and brought great wealth and prosperity to Israel. […]

Prayer and Anxiety

Today’s blog is about prayer and anxiety. If you haven’t read last week’s blog on “The Ugly Face of Anxiety,” please go back and read it before continuing to read this one  I believe a great deal of the personal pain and problems I mention in that blog could be avoided. “How?” you ask. By following a correct approach through prayer when we first realize anxiety is becoming a problem. I don’t say this to condemn or judge anyone who deals with chronic anxiety. I simply want to stress […]

Anxious? What You Can Do About It (Part one of three)

Are you feeling anxious nowadays? Most of us are and for good reason. It’s okay to have anxious thoughts and feelings. I believe Jesus, our Lord, had some anxious moments in Gethsemane and on the cross. The Apostle Paul had his bouts of anxiety during a shipwreck, riots when he was preaching, and during his long imprisonment while awaiting martyrdom. Many of David’s psalms tell of his struggles during threatening situations and how he turned to God to calm his anxious spirit. It is normal to become anxious but to […]

Truth Is

Truth Is…..essential for building trust. This is the case whether you are dealing with people or with a Cuckoo clock. Speaking of Cuckoo clocks, let me tell you about mine. Please indulge me in the event you’ve heard this story before. While visiting Europe in 2011 Cecelia and I decided to buy a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest area. We were enjoying the beautiful scenery along the Rhine river when we came upon this charming German village. After looking at many styles and price ranges of clocks, we decided on […]