Feeling Trapped? Helpless and Hopeless?

Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped in a crazy world where everything is out of control. If you are watching some of the same news programs I am you may be feeling the same way. We have open borders and millions of imigrants have come in without us knowing if some of them have intentions to do us harm, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, the national debt close to 34 trillion dollars, and our national government in a sad state of division and ineptness.  Honestly, there are times […]

What’s Happening To Us?

What’s Happening To Us? The convergence of several crises such as we have dealt with in recent years can create a sense of upheaval and bewilderment. At the beginning of this century’s third decade, America’s economy was booming. Unemployment rates were low, the lowest ever in several minority sectors. The usual political rancor and vindictive rhetoric of Washington D.C. continued to dominate the media in anticipation of November’s national elections. But, despite the deep political and value-based divisions, our country seemed to be doing pretty well. Most of us had no […]